Selasa, 09 Juni 2015


Name   : Ayu Sulistya
Class    : 3EB24
NPM   : 21212296
Learning English
Hallo.. My name is Ayu Sulistya. This time I will make an essay about “Learning English”. English is already known in all countries as an International language, including in Indonesia. Because this language is very universal and can be used communicate with all people around the world. If we can speak English, so we more easily communicate with foreigners without have problems.
In our country Indonesia, there are still many people who think English isn’t important to use in everyday language. Many say don’t like English and learning English is difficult. Actually, in today’s very important to learning English. Why learning English is very important? As already described above, for example is easy to communicate with the foreigners.
Besides, we can get a scholarship and go to school abroad, because one of the conditions that have the ability to speak English is above average. In the area of globalization, when entering the workface, English also very important. We can enjoy all kinds of English music and watching English movies. We also gain a board insight by learning English.
So far, we have learning English in getting out of school, starting from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school until collage we are still learning English. Besides, from the lessons we get in school, we can also take English lessons and also taught himself via internet or books. It would be more effective, if started learning English from childhood because of the age that children can more easily remember the vocabulary. Adults can still develop the ability to learning English if new start now.
We can learn English in various ways, for example from start to learn grammar and vocabulary. In addition, we also try to learn listening, for example listening English music. After that apply in learn English. Try to speak form yourself by using English or we can practice with a friend to be able to expedite our English language.
Now I still have not been able to speak in English. Actually, can only passive English language. I was able to listen to other people who speak English and can understand what they are talking about. In addition, I can also read the text using the English language and can understand the meaning of the text.
I’m trying to able speak English with other people. My problem isn’t confident and also fear mispronounce words in the English language. I think a fun way to learn a language, for example such as learning with English music and movies. If learning English by listening to English music, we can add to the knowledge of vocabulary that we haven’t known before. Besides, it can also try to find out what the meaning of the lyrics of the song.
By watching English movies, we can also some processes in learning English. Not only see images, also know about the conversation in English. Futhermore, can know the pronunciation of words in the English language is correctly. It all makes learning English more enjoyable and fun to learn.

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