Selasa, 09 Juni 2015


Eat Junk Food
This time I will explain about “Eat Junk Food”. Junk food or fast food is often referred to. Many think that they are the same, because both serving fast food and taste is good. Both of these foods are now a trend among consumers.
Junk food is unhealthy foods, have little nutritional content, low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Besides, having a sugar content, calories, fat, salt and additives are high. While fast food is food that can be prepared or served quickly. Any type of food that can be severed quickly can be called fast food. Not all fast food is junk food.
From the above explanation, it turns out both have differences. For so much easier, this is the difference between the two. Junk food is food that is nutritionally a little, don’t meet the needs the body, which is like French fries, burger, soft drink, etc. While fast food is fast food presentation, such as gado-gado, pecel, karedok, etc.
Since childhood we’ve always surrounded by junk food. When going for a walk to the mall certainly wherever there is junk food. Now it isn’t only the mall, at the roadside is also a lot of junk food. Although, junk food isn’t healthy for the body, but still many people who love it.
Why do many people like junk food? Because junk food is around us, it is easy to buy. Moreover, because tasty and easy to obtain. Another reason is we are bored with home cooking that’s way we turn to junk food.
I read an article in the media online is as reported by Women’s Health Mag (29/10). There are described 5 habits that make people addicted to junk food. The first is to skip meals, by skipping a meal will lower the level of sugar in the blood. As a result, the desire for snacking, especially eating unhealthy foods like junk food will increase.
The second is the lack of sleep. People who sleep less more likely to develop an addiction potential to eat junk food. So also those who feel tired. The third is stress, because stress can also triggering people to eat more junk food or other unhealthy foods. Therefore you should avoid from feeling stress or at least cope with stress in other ways.
The fourth is upset and angry. Some people who eat junk food to realieve  their anger, in other words is a emotional outlet. Therefore remove your emotions other ways better and safer for health. The fifth is to buy junk food. If you don’t want addicted to junk food, don’t buy and saving supply junk food in the house, sometimes addiction and desire to eat junk food isn’t only influenced by the brain or emotions, but because junk food readily available and accessible while in the house.
Those are some habits that can lead you to consume and addiction to junk food. Avoid doing that if you don’t want to get stuck in the habits of eating junk food. Who doesn’t like junk food? It seems there isn’t only one who doesn’t like junk food. Almost everyone must have felt eat junk food. Starting from young children to adults must have felt to eat junk food.
Inevitably, I also like to eat junk food. Perhaps because of the small already known what it is junk food, so I love it. But now I have rarely to eat junk food, because not allowed by my parents and because of the awareness of myself. Junk food isn’t healthy for our bodies. Even though I like to be tempted to eat junk food, but I try not to eat it as often as possible.
Food including junk food is potato chips, fried chicken, instant noodles, sweet dessert, pizza, burger, jelly and other foods that contain taste especially when paired with soft drink. But these foods affect health because of it is content of substance such as sugar, salt, sodium, etc. according to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 10 types of junk food that needs to be reduced and even avoided. The first is fried foods, junk food contains calories, fats/oil and high oxidant. If consumed regularly, can cause  a variety of disease ranging from obesity, coronary heart disease, and cancer.
The second is instant noodles. The food was very tasty and this practical fact contain very high amount of salt, as well as vitamins, and minerals in a very low number. The third is innards and fatty meats. Innards consumption in large quantities in the long term can lead to coronary heart disease, malignant tumors, and cancer. The fourth is pickle. The amount of salt that exceeds the limit will burden the kidneys, increase the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The fifth is food processed meat such as ham sausages, etc. Food processes meats, contain dyes and preservatives that may interfere with liver. The sixth is a sweet frozen foods such as ice cream, frozen cake. Junk food contains high level of butter that cause obesity.
The seventh is canned candied. These foods contain nitrate salts and when it joined the body produces carcinogenic substances and also contain as additional esen so can damage the liver. The eight is canned food. The food was package in cans usually like fruit or meat, food becomes unhealthy because it contains a lot of preservatives.
The ninth is the baked goods/burned. Baked goods/burned can lead to food becomes chaired and substances that occur can lead to cancer. The tenth is processed cheese. Consuming processed cheese that is too often will lead to increased body weight and blood sugar.
Junk food contains substances that aren’t good for the body. When the body of the amount of dangerous substances that have added much, it will cause disease. From mild illness to severe disease such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and obesity. The disease usually affects people who are aged above 40 years. But right now, more young people suffering from the disease.
There are many ways to reduce junk food. We could have breakfast and eat at home before going out of the house. If it wasn’t able to resist to not eat junk food, we can eat in small portions. Besides, balance with nutritious foods.
Now we already know a lot of the negative effects of eat junk food. Therefore, as much as possible avoid those foods. Even if you can’t try to change the eating habits by consuming foods that contain fiber, vitamins, and mineral is high. We should eat healthy food than to eat junk food. So put away eating junk food.

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